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The Big Picture

Big Picture

Weekly Report (2/13 to 2/19)

This week along with ISM, I had HOSA competition and I think I was able to, for the first time, visibly see how much ISM has impacted me not only as a healthcare professional, but just as a professional in general. Because the journey of ISM has been such a one-step-a-day type of journey, I think I forgot to look at it as a big picture and see how much I have improved on.

With HOSA competition, we competed in Public Health, a competition involving speech and writing skills as a group.Last year there would've been a time in which I could not speak in front of an audience without many filler words and a huge lack of eye contact.But this year I was able to make huge improvements on both aspects and actually engage the audience when I was talking, which I largely credit to ISM. The research I have done though ISM has helped me with getting the basic understanding of the medical field which help me attack my speech topic from a new and well knowledged point of view. I also saw that I was able to conduct myself in a professional manner even just interacting with other competitions. I saw that myself, as well as other ISM students who competed with me, were able to know when we were allowed to have fun and when it is better to be professional, while others could not keep this distinction maintained as well. Another aspect was that I was able to handle rejection better. Though our team placed in top ten, we were not able to advance. While of course I was disappointed, I knew how to take it with a grain of salt and move on. ISM showed me that things may not always work out the first time, but that shouldn't cause me to restrict myself in the future.

Overall, I saw so much of the qualities that I had been taught thorough ISM appleis in something ompletely different.It hsowed me how even if I don't choose to do medicine in the future, ISM has still hit me things that I can easily apply to other aspects of life. It is not a class that I will forget about in years after high school. Rather, these qualities will stick with me and help me be more successful in numerous aspects , not just medicine or even career based.It definteltiey makes me excited for the future. If I was able to see this much of a change within just these last couple of months, while the program is not even fished, imagine how much of a change will happen when I finished two years of the program. Hopefully, the results will be just as amazing.

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