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Little By Little

As spring break wrapped up, I found myself surrounded by another set of complaints on why a student didn't want to return to school or why they wished this break was longer. It made me think of the times when I used to be excited to get back to school. I had always loved learning (I still do) but it seems like as time went on the stress became more influencing than knowledge. Competition replaced companionship, GPA replaced knowledge, and tests replaced

understanding. But this is part of life. Everything seems to lose its allure because everything becomes more complicated. It made me wonder if such a fate would occur in any career I chose and what I can do to stop it.

I think the first thing in preventing disappointed when I am older is honestly this class. This class showed me how complicated any career is, not just pediatric surgery. No career will ever be perfect. A doctor wont have complicated surgeries everyday. If they do, it will incredibly stressful. In the same sense a teacher may not impact their students every day.There are days when they may teach the same lesson over and over again with little effect. I already understand that part. But I believe in order to continue a interests in the field, there has to be a general interest and desire for not only the subject but the actions and work. What that means is in college, in order to truly succeed, you not only have to have the desire to learn biology but to learn itself. If you enter with a one track mind, it severely limits potential, even if you take a biology field. Later in life when working as a surgeon, they have to have a desire to just work as well.To be productive and help people regardless if it involves surgery or not. And that’s life.

This may be difficult to understand but it is even more difficult to verbalize. Why? Because it is complicated. And with complications come struggles and harsh realities. But that may not always be a bad thing. Learning to face these builds character and gives a meaning to life. It has kept humanity running for so long and will continue to allow humanity to only increase in quality and quantity. But every now and then it's nice to look back on a simpler life and enjoy that aspect for what it is.

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