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Overwhelming. That is the exact word I would choose to describe these past two weeks. And the worst part hasn't even started. With AP exams, final presentation night, and final product due in a short period of time it's definitely beginning to wear on me.There is just how to do and so little time. And I know I can't complain completely because this is something I was aware from the beginning. I knew the closer it got to May, the more stressed I would be. And so here I am.

I'm sure that many people probably don't feel leave for me because the stress and I'm going through is something that I took on to myself. That being said I may not have the right to complain, but I certainly will exercise my ability to do so. All our lives we've been told not to complain and not to be negative. But sometimes, speaking on those negatives are the best way to see the whole picture. Complaining to me and just offers insight on what someone is going through at the moment. To suppress that and constantly force them to look through a more positive lens, while it has the obvious benefits, can also have some unforeseen drawbacks. Because by denying a person the ability to complain and constantly promoting a happier speech, that person may not feel like they have the right to complain. That might just make that person's life even more overwhelming because they are stressed out but they don't feel like they have the ability to seek help because people are telling them not to complain.

But on the flip side, I definitely see why we chose to limit complaints in the workplace in the first place. When people complain about trivial things, even though it shouldn't, it becomes irritating. And constantly focusing on the negatives can be a downpour on everyone else's mood. Complaining also doesn't necessarily serve a purpose. By complaining you don't change anything. If something is really bothering about much, perhaps see you need to take a stand and change it yourself or have a plan of how you can fix it. Sometimes looking at things through positive lens can help change your perspective on your current situation.

Overall, I don't consider myself to be a very pessimistic or optimistic person. I see myself as someone who follows right in between. I don't complain all the time but I also don't always make the effort to look through things with a positive lens. So to me a good balance of these two situations is to allow myself to complain as much as I want, but with those complaints there must be a plan of action. Yes, things are going to get tough and stressful and at this point that's just a phase in life but I will get through. But how can we prevent this type of stress or negative energy from building a end instead channel to something positive. So, yes, I will be one of the hundreds of kids complaining in May come AP testing. But unlike others, I will be the one with the plan.

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