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Back to the Future

The future. It is something that is constantly looked at for a program like ISM. Both in fantasy and reality. The fantasy being this, the weekly reports among other things, in which we essentially list what we want from the future and what qualities would get us there. The reality being constantly looking ahead and submitting projects on time and being prepared for future work. But both had to do with me and not my field. When I look back, I see so many articles of me analyzing trends in myself but little in analyzing the field I am in. So that's what I intend to do.

But here’s what makes it different this time because I have researched on the field in the future.I have looked into genetically engineered babies, robotic surgery, new healthcare systems and more. But all of this was research and facts. None if it necessarily used skills like inferencing, synthesizing, and predicting. With the knowledge i learned thus far it is time to not restate facts, but predict the future of medicine in its trends. I think this something that will herp me see my field and see the bigger picture in realizing what the future can truly hold. It can help spur innovation and recognition in all forms.

The future of medicine is integration. Medicine currently is the thread that integrates all people. To be in medicine you can be in biology, ecology, management more. The future of medicine will further incorporate more and more people and the more that we are aware of that the more we can use it. By increasing connectivity between science and technology we can create and modify more biotechnology such as making the Davinci robot smaller. By integrating marketing and hospital management, we can see more people finding hospitals that fit them and their needs.Integrating patients and doctors also plays into effect because it allows patients to be more informed on what they are facing and gets more trust and health independence in the patient's control. Intriguing both new and old customs of medicine. Keeping the traditional values of human touch, respect, and care while moving forward with robotic surgeries, speedier recoveries, and better pain management. With all of this, it makes sense that the base of medicine is biology, the study of life. Medine is life and the future will prove to connect all aspects of it

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